Exostosen im Bereich der Schulter und mögliche Auswirkungen werden in diesen Veröffentlichungen behandelt:
Haasis, U. (2013): Subakromiales Impingement bei Skapula-Osteochondrom. In: Arthroskopie 26 (4), S. 294–296.
Ceberut, Kadri; Korkmaz, Murat; Ergin, Ismail; Müslehiddinoglu, Ahmet (2013): Bursa Formation with Scapular Osteochondroma in Hereditary Multiple Exostosis. In: Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 23 (7), S. 512–514.
Clement, Nicholas D.; McBirnie, Julie M.; Porter, Daniel E. (2013): Subacromial impingement syndrome in a patient with hereditary multiple exostosis: a case report. In: BMC Sports Science, Medicine, and Rehabilitation 5 (1).
Chillemi, Claudio; Franceschini, Vincenzo; Ippolito, Giorgio; Pasquali, Roberto; Diotallevi, Renato; Petrozza, Vincenzo; Rocca, Carlo Della (2013): Osteochondroma as a cause of scapular winging in an adolescent: a case report and review of the literature. In: Journal of Medical Case Reports 7 (1).
Ladurner, A.; Grehn, H.; Steiner, C. L. (2013): Multiple hereditäre Exostosen am Schultergürtel. Seltene Ursache eines extrinsischen subakromialen Konflikts. Multiple hereditary exostoses of the shoulder girdle. A rare reason for extrinsic subacromial impingement. In: Obere Extremität 8 (4), S. 231–234.